Jun 13, 2013

Doubles Potions

The don't know about anyone else, but this is the first table I've ever made inspired by song lyrics.


The idea is a set of potions which must be drunk by two people in order to have an effect. I picture two flasks fused together or a vial with two mouths. Who gets which effect should be random.

Each potion is labeled, but I will also number for randomization.

2-The Blood and the Bone-One takes 1d4 extra dmg from attacks; One takes 1d4dmg less.
3-The Sinner and the Saint-One becomes chaotic; the other lawful
4-The Bandage and the Blade-One gets +1 to healing; the other does 1 extra dmg
5-The Word and the Breath-When one speaks, he can choose to have the other say the same
6-The Heart and the Chest-If one dies, so does the other
7-The Bruise and the Blow-One feels he has been wronged by the other
8-Tha Fruit and the Fall-One is destined to be the downfall of the other
9-The Caress and the Claw-One gets +2 seduction; other gains +2 intimidate
10-The Glory and the Guilt-One will gain from his crimes while the other receives the blame.
11-Blossom and the Wilt-One gains a level, which the other loses
12-Right and Wrong-One becomes good; the other evil
13-The Sound and the Song-When both try persuade together, +2
14-The Tooth and the Tongue-One gains +2 unarmed; the other +2 persuade
15-The Target and the Gun-One compulsively attacks the other for 1d4 rounds
16-The Cruel and Kind-One becomes good, the other evil
17-The Wary and the Wild-One gets +2 search/hidden doors; other gets +2 atk/dmg whenever he initiates combat
18-Legions and Doubt-One gains +2 leadership; other is -2
19-The Whisper and the Shout-One gets +2 to spells with a verbal component; other has -2
20-Honest and Avail-One must tell the truth; the other will profit from this
21-The Hammer and the Nail-If one assists the attack of the other, double damage
22-The Blessing and the Curse-One gets +2 to checks for a day; the other has -2
23-The Way and the Wall-Enemies and allies can safely move through one in combat; the other can stop any enemies trying to move through adjacent space.
24-The Now and Then-One ages 10 years; the other youngens 10 years.

6, 8, 10, 20 can double as fortunes.
3, 12, 16 seem similar, so I repeated. If anyone has an idea for a third effect along these lines, please share.

The Great Big Magic Table (Over 100 Random Magical Effects)

1 Death
2 Burst into Flames
3 Paralysis
4 Turn into: 1 Frog 2 Turkey 3 Fish 4 Dog 5 Worm 6 Whale
5 Stick to everything touched
6 Hallucinations
7 Appear as last enemy fought
8 Appear as dead
9 Skin becomes scales
10 Gender Swap
11 Juggernaut: can attack as charge (+2atk, -4 AC on subsequent turn) even from short range.
12 +5 to checks involving: 1 Con 2 Str 3 Dex 4 Int 5 Wis 6 Cha
13 Breathe fire
14 Extra eye (random location)
15 Silence
16 Change race: 1 Human 2 Hobbit 3 Elf 4 Dwarf
17 1-3 Grow 4-6 Shrink 1ft
18 Skin color is now: 1 Red 2 Orange 3 Yellow 4 Green 5 Blue 6 Purple
19 Grow mushrooms on body: 1 Disgusting 2 Delicious 3 Psychedelic 4 Poison
20 Lose 1 Point: 1 Con 2 Str 3 Dex 4 Int 5 Wis 6 Cha
21 Sleep
22 Random limb turns into random weapon
23 Face twisted into horrible mask: -2d6 Cha, with equal bonus to intimidation checks
24 Gain one point: 1 Con 2 Str 3 Dex 4 Int 5 Wis 6 Cha
25 Covered in spots: 1 Red 2 Orange 3 Yellow 4 Green 5 Blue 6 Purple
26 1 Dementia 2 OCD 3 ADHD 4 Rage 5 Bipolar 6 Split personality
27 Depression
28 Mania
29 Grow gills
30 Legs turn into tail when wet
31 Invisibility
32 Gain perfect pitch (some benefit to bards)
33 Recover 1d8 health
34 Recover 1d8 spells
35 Full heal
36 Recover all spells
37 Universal antidote
38 Epiphany: level up
39 Grow fangs: +1 damage to bite attacks
40 Grow beard
41 Grow tail: 1 Short 2 Long 3 Horse 4 Prehensile
42 Feet become hands
43 Skin becomes: 1 Tough hide (+1 AC) 2 Stone (+2 AC) 3 Metalic (+3 AC) 4 Crystalline (+4 AC)
44 Grow claws: 1 Sharp nails (1d2 dmg) 2 Long sharp nails (1d2+1dmg) 3 Finger length claws (1d4dmg) 4 Wolverine claws (1d6dmg)
45 Age: 1-3 Older 4-6 Younger 1d20 years
46 Lose hair
47 Shrink to 1d6 inches tall
48 Itching
49 Infravision
50 Glow: illuminate 1d10ft radius in the dark
51 Can only tell the truth
52 Gain random knowledge of random trade
53 Hair color: 1 Blonde 2 Brown 3 Black 4 Red 5 Green 6 White
54 Nose grows one inch whenever lie is told
55 Terrible song stuck in head until player sings it completely
56 Become double-jointed
57 Inflate as balloon
58 Climb walls as Spider Climb spell
59 Immunity to spell effects
60 Compulsive vomiting
61 Kleptomania
62 Phobia: 1 of dark 2 of small spaces 3 of magic 4 of small animals
63 Thinks aloud
64 Predict weather
65 Acid: 1d4dmg, burns through wood and thin metal, 1d8dmg if ingested
66 +5 to listen checks
67 Illuminate hidden doors
68 Roll again: Affects only 1 humans 2 hobbits 3 dwarves 4 elves
69 Undo most recent magical effect(s) (75% destroys bound magic items)
70 Garner affections of 1-3 Same 4-6 Opposite sex
71 Body switch with next person to receive this effect
72 Random article of clothing adheres to body
73 Combine next two things held in opposite hands
74 Burst of universal knowledge: player is allowed 1 minute to look through the DM's books
75 Lose ability to feel: 1 Joy 2 Love 3 Rage 4 Sadness 5 Humor 6 Anything but mania
76 Turn into: 1 Sword 2 Shield 3 Table 4 Book 5 Chair 6 Grandfather clock
77 Zombie disease (turn in 1d4 days)
78 Can speak to: 1 Dogs 2 Cats 3 Birds 4 Lizards
79 Next magic has opposite effect
80 Gain willful control of body hair
81 Perfect perception of time
82 Comprehend all language
83 Learn language: 1 Elvish 2 Dwarven 3 Halfling 4 Goblin
84 1d4 extra: 1 Fingers 2 Toes 3 Noses 4 Tongues
85 Crave certain food
86 Hypothermia
87 Petrify
88 Night vision
89 Immunity to 1 Fire 2 Water 3 Ice 4 Electricity magic
90 Body odor
91 Blood is poison to others
92 Grow thick coat of body hair
93 Survives on photosynthesis: must spend time in natural light or suffer effects of starvation
94 Sentience transferred to magic item
95 Learn to use a spell (extra spell if MU, extra slot if cleric)
96 Plant empathy
97 Become 1 Vampire 2 Werewolf 3 Were mushroom man 4 Weretree
98 Speak with stone
99 Freeze at lower temperature. Take 1 hour to thaw. 1-2 Death 3-6 Cryostasis
00 Roll on doubles potion chart

Most often I use this for potions, but it could be used for spells or magic items at the discretion of the DM.
Durations are likewise open to ruling.

Jun 2, 2013


I was updating my list of dead PCs, and in noticing my lack of recent posts, figured I could do this:

(Rounded to whole numbers, I know they're not exact)

Player Races:
Human: 74%
Half-Elf: 9%
Halfling: 9%
Dwarf: 4%
Half-Orc: 4%

Player Classes:
Fighter: 17%
Cleric: 15%
Wizard: 11%
Thief: 9%
Bard: 7%
Illusionist: 4%
Druid: 4%
Barbarian: 4%
Ranger: 4%
Paladin: 4%

Killed By:
Monsters, Directly: 13%
Miscellany:  13%
Humans: 9%
Other Players: 9%
Monsters, Effects of: 4%
Animals: 4%
Magic: 4%
Still Active: 17%
Retired (just guest players): 26%

Overall Mortality Rate (Excluding Retired Characters): 76%