Jul 28, 2012

Session One: The Siege

My group has begun recording our sessions to post here on the blog in what I imagine as a sort of podcast. In this recording the group attempts with a small hobbit army to siege a castle to save their friends Leonard the hobbit who is imprisoned inside.

I hope you enjoy. The videos embedded contain only audio. If anyone knows how to post only the audio, please say so in the comments and I will do that in the future.

Part One: The Prep (Also entirely skippable if you want to go straight to the siege)
Part Two: I kick it with my energy legs!
Part Three: I already died once
Part Four: Its like a season ender in my mind!

Jul 27, 2012

Useful Charts Part1: Hit Charts

Basic Hit Chart
This is the hit chart I use most often. Quick and includes hit locations for which you can improv effects or none. Nice and easy.

1 Head
2-3 Shoulders
4 Upper Main Arm
5 Upper Off Arm
6 Main Hand
7 Off Hand
8-10 Ribs
11-12 Stomach
13 Groin
14 Left Leg
15 Right Leg
16 Left Knee
17 Right Knee
18 Left Foot
19 Right Foot
20 Hip

Complex Hit Chart
I was bored and drew up this chart on vacation once. It takes a bit more time, but if you like the special effects and that sort of thing, I think it works pretty well. I've been toying with it for a while and it seems to go well.

Bladed Weapons (M=Minor Damage Effect, S=Severe Damage Effect, C=Critical Damage Effect)

 1-5 Head  S=Stunned 1rd  C=unconscious, bleeding 1d4/rd
6 L Eye  S=Blinded by blood, 1rd to wipe away  C=Lose eye
7 R Eye  S=Blinded by blood, 1rd to wipe away  C=Lose eye
8 L Ear  S=Deaf 1d4rds  C=Lose ear
9 R Ear  S=Deaf 1d4rds  C=Lose ear
10-11 Nose  C=Lose nose
12-14 Jaw  C=Joker smile, lose tongue
15-19 Neck  M=Bleeding 1/rd  S=Bleeding 1d4/rd  C=Bleeding 2d6/rd
20-23 L Shoulder  S= -1 to hit  C=Arm useless
24-27 R Shoulder  S= -1 to hit  C=Arm useless
28-32 L Bicep/Tricep  S= -1 to hit  C=Arm useless
33-37 R Bicep/Tricep  S= -1 to hit  C=Arm useless
38-42 L Forearm  S=Drop weapon  C=Hand useless, 10% to lose hand
43-47 R Forearm  S=Drop weapon  C=Hand useless, 10% to lose hand
48-50 L Hand  M=Drop weapon  S=Can't hold weapon  C=Lose Finger
51-53 R Hand  M=Drop weapon  S=Can't hold weapon  C=Lose Finger
54-60 Ribs  S=Punctured lung, -1Con/rd  C=In the heart, -1d6Con/rd
61-66 Stomach/Kidneys  S=Internal bleeding 1d4/rd  C= -1Con, bleeding 1d6/rd
67-71 Groin/Hip  M=Stunned 1rd/-normal-  S=Stunned 1rd/ -1 move  C=Castrated/move halved
72-76 Upper L Leg  S= -1move  C=Move Halved
77-81 Upper R Leg  S= -1move  C=Move Halved
82-83 L Knee  S= -1move  C=Move Halved
84-85 R Knee  S= -1move  C=Move Halved
86-89 Lower L Leg  S= -1move  C=Move Halved
90-93 Lower R Leg  S= -1move  C=Move Halved
94-96 L Foot  S=No Dex bonus to AC  C=No Dex bonus, move halved
97-99 R Foot  S=No Dex bonus to AC  C=No Dex bonus, move halved
100 Special  M=Roll Twice  S=Roll again and cause bleeding 1/rd  C=Roll again and lose limb

Blunt Weapons

 1-5 Head  M=Stunned 1rd  S=Stunned 1d4  C=Unconscious 1d6rds
6 L Eye  M=Stunned 1rd  S=Stunned 1d4  C=Eye popped in/out
7 R Eye  M=Stunned 1rd  S=Stunned 1d4  C=Eye popped in/out
8 L Ear  M=Deaf 1d4rd  S=Deaf 1d4  C=Burst eardrum
9 R Ear  M=Deaf 1d4rd  S=Deaf 1d4  C=Burst eardrum
10-11 Nose M=Broken  S= Broken  C=Broken, Con vs unconscious
12-14 Jaw  M=Cannot speak 1rd  S=Broken  C=Broken, Con vs unconscious
15-19 Neck  M=Stunned 1rd  S=Stunned 1d4  C=Broken, paralysis
20-23 L Shoulder  S=-1 to hit  C=Broken, useless
24-27 R Shoulder  S=-1 to hit  C=Broken, useless
28-32 L Bicep/Tricep  S=-1 to hit  C=Broken, useless
33-37 R Bicep/Tricep  S=-1 to hit  C=Broken, useless
38-42 L Forearm  S=-1 to hit  C=Broken, useless
43-47 R Forearm  S=-1 to hit  C=Broken, useless
48-50 L Hand  M=Drop weapon  S=Hand broken  C=Broken and useless
51-53 R Hand  M=Drop weapon  S=Hand broken  C=Broken and useless
54-60 Ribs  C= -2 to all checks, internal bleeding 1/rd
61-66 Stomach/Kidneys  S= -1 Con  C=Internal bleeding 1/rd -1Con
67-71 Groin/Hip  M=Stun 1rd/-normal-  S=Stun 1d4rd/ -1 move  C=Con vs vomit/move halved
72-76 Upper L Leg  S= -1 move  C=move is 1/rd, no Dex bonus to AC
77-81 Upper R Leg  S= -1 move  C=move is 1/rd, no Dex bonus to AC
82-83 L Knee  S= -1 move  C=move is 1/rd, no Dex bonus to AC
84-85 R Knee  S= -1 move  C=move is 1/rd, no Dex bonus to AC
86-89 Lower L Leg  S= -1 move  C=move is 1/rd, no Dex bonus to AC
90-93 Lower R Leg  S= -1 move  C=move is 1/rd, no Dex bonus to AC
94-96 L Foot  S= Broken, no Dex bonus to AC, -1 move  C=Move is 1, no Dex bonus to AC
97-99 R Foot   S= Broken, no Dex bonus to AC, -1 move  C=Move is 1, no Dex bonus to AC
100 Special  M=Roll twice  S=Deaden muscle 1rd  C=Sever break: broken limbs require double heal

Ridiculous Hit Chart
In my defense, I was critically bored. This chart was simply for the sake of creating a 1d100 hit chart, and I don't use it. I imagine maybe you could implement it for gunshots or if you are just insane.

1 Brain, L hemisphere
2 Brain, R Hemishpere
3 Eye, L
4 Eye, R
5 Nose
6 Ear, L
7 Ear, R
8 Teeth
9 Jaw
10 Throat
11 Jugular/corotid
12 Spine, upper
13 Spine, mid
14 Spine, lower
15 Collar
16 Shoulder, L
17 Shoulder, R
18 Bicep, L
19 Bicep, R
20 Tricep, L
21 Tricep, R
22 Elbow L
23 Elbow R
24 Forearm L
25 Forearm R
26 Wrist L
27 Wrist R
28 Thumb L
29 Index L
30 Middle L
31 Ring L
32 Little L
33 Thumb R
34 Index R
35 Middle R
36 Ring R
37 Little L
38 Heart
39 Lung L
40 Lung R
41 Liver
42 Kidney L
43 Kidney R
44 Intestine
45 Chest L (no organs)
46 Chest R (no organs)
47 Ribs, L top
48 Ribs, R top
49 Midsection (no organs)
50 Hip L
51 Hip R
52 Tailbone
53 Genital R
54 Genital L
55 Groin
56 Hamstring L
57 Hamstring R
58 Quads L
59 Quads R
60 Knee L front
61 Knee R front
62 Shin L
63 Shin R
64 Calf L
65 Calf R
66 Ankle L
67 Ankle R
68 Heel L
69 Heel R
70 Foot L
71 Foot R
72 Big L
73 2nd L
74 3rd L
75 4th L
76 5th L
77 Big R
78 2nd R
79 3rd R
80 4th R
81 5th R
82 Buttock L
83 Buttock R
84 Appendix
85 Ribs L lower
86 Ribs R lower
87 Genital middle
88 Temple
89 Achilles tendon R
90 Achilles tendon L
91 Knee L back
92 Knee R back
93 Palm L
94 Palm R
95 Head, back
96 Shoulder blade L
97 Shoulder blade R
98 Stomach
99 Cheek bone L
00 Cheek bone R 

Let me know in the comments what kind of hit charts, if any, you use and if any of these were of help to you.

Good luck and keep rolling,